Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and this year will mark the 22nd year that it has been observed.

Movements in the 1940s and 50s attempted to challenge the norms of the day by encouraging the discussion of sexual assault. These efforts continued into the 70s and the first ever Sexual Assault Awareness Month was observed in 2001.

According to, women who are between the ages of 18-24 have the highest chance of experiencing sexual violence.  Over 26% of female undergraduate students reported that they had experienced some form of sexual violence and 6.8% of male undergraduate students reported they had experienced sexual violence as well.  

Eight out of 10 sexual assaults are committed by a person known to the victim. This is known as “intimate partner sexual violence” or “acquaintance rape.”

Although most victims know their assailant, there are cases of sexual assaults, often called “stranger rape,” when the attacker is unknown to the victim. These assaults can occur as a “blitz sexual assault” when the victim is assaulted by an individual that they have had no prior contact with or a home invasion sexual assault, defined as a stranger breaking into a victim’s home and committing the assault. Additionally, “contact sexual assault” may occur and is defined as a perpetrator gaining the trust of the victim and luring them to the place where the assault will occur. stresses that past intimate encounters are not consent for further or more intense sexual contact.

According to, the Office of Justice Programs, sexual assault is defined as unwanted sexual contact, sexual coercion and physical force leading to completed or attempted rape. As sexual assault is most common among college-age people, it is important that a person know the resources that their university provides for those that experience sexual assault.  

At USC Aiken, if an assault occurs on campus, contact the University Police at 648-4011 (6111 from a campus phone extension) or the Rape Crisis Center at 641-4162 for assaults that occur over the weekend or after hours.

For an in-depth description of USC Aiken’s Sexual Assault Policy, please visit the website.

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