Young Americans for Liberty

Young Americans for liberty is a pro-liberty youth organization that focuses on advancing liberty on campus and in electoral politics. A chapter of YAL is being established on campus at U of SC Aiken.

YAL centers around a four-step mission, which is to identify, educate, train and mobilize youth activists to advocate for liberty. Its goal is to build a bench of 250 legislators at the state level who will advance a pro-liberty philosophy.

By being available as a resource on college campuses, students are able to be educated on liberty and to get involved in special events.

YAL features a program called Operation Win at the Door, in which state legislator candidates who share YAL philosophies are identified. Then, teams of youth go to an electoral district and make three door knocking passes to promote the liberty candidate.

According to their website, youth activists involved with Operation Win at the Door have knocked on over 1.5 million doors, resulting in the election of 56 liberty legislators.

For more information on how you can get involved with YAL on campus, contact Ryan Bodvake at

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