Weekly Briefing: This wild semester is almost over

Weekly Briefing: This wild semester is almost over

There are just a couple of weeks left in this semester and it has been a wild ride, Pacers. This week’s issue is full of hard news, features and opinion columns. Be sure to watch out for our weekly coronavirus update, which will be published this afternoon at 2 p.m, in an effort to keep the content as recent as possible.

In news this week, News Editor Noelle Kriegel covered the recent email adventure that most of the student body took together. She also wrote an article on the creation and subsequent misuse of a USC Aiken GroupMe chat, which evolved into days-long discussions between students on the USCA Student Life Facebook page.

Also in the news section, Arts and Entertainment Editor Erica Bennett covered Operation Outreach, which is a support system created for USCA students who may have been affected by COVID-19.

In the features section, Kriegel wrote an article about Mandi Welch, who is one of USCA’s most warm and familiar faces. Reporter Chi Nguyen interviewed Giuseppe Cimino, an international student from Italy who is stuck on the USCA campus, thousands of miles away from his home.

In the A&E section, Bennett covered the passing of Bill Withers, who’s impact on American music has moved generations. Reporter Angel-Hope Watts made a list of binge-worthy shows on Netflix, while I created a list of podcasts to keep you busy during quarantine.

Opinions Editor David Frantz wrote a column about the protective measures being taken against COVID-19, while Bennett questioned whether or not the USCA community will be able to piece itself together after the racially charged incident on GroupMe.

Bennett also wrote a letter to students about finishing this odd semester strong, along with sharing her opinion on the trend of sharing old graduation photos with the intention of supporting 2020 graduates.

Nguyen wrote a column about how staying active, even in small ways, can help your mental and physical health, while Watts shared her opinion on the recent work-from-home accommodations.

That’s it for now, Pacers. Don’t forget to look out for our COVID-19 update, which will be available at 2 p.m. today.

Photo by David Frantz.

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