Student government officials encourage students to apply

Student government officials encourage students to apply

The Student Government Association (SGA) is holding an election this semester to determine new representatives for the student body. 

According to Mason Spires, vice president of SGA and student coordinator for leadership programs, all positions are available. Students can either “represent their specific college (humanities, business, nursing, etc.) and all of the students in that area of study, or there are other positions not quite as specific to constituents like campus relations, or marketing senator which have different duties to the university as a whole.” 

Sires continued, stating that the student body has influence even outside of senator positions, as SGA meetings are open for all students and is a welcome space for creative thinking. 

“It is really all about what the student body wants,” he said.

So, why should students run for SGA? Q’Ladrin Qourters, chancellor ambassador and student body secretary said, “SGA is an amazing opportunity to get involved on campus and really get to know how things operate and it allows you to get to know your fellow classmates and the common issues they have.” 

Student Body President Brandon Eberl said that SGA gives people the opportunity to “give back to your fellow students” and “build leadership” and have the ability to make a big impact on campus. 

SGA could give influence to those who are looking to be a voice for the school and represent the issues of the student body to the administration.

About potential applicants, Spires said they are looking for “qualified intelligent students who know their specific area of the school and know what they want to see changed on our campus, and dedication.”

“We can come up with all the grand schemes in the world,” he continued, “but we need dedicated senators to see them through to the finish.”

“A good representative is someone who has the students' best interest in mind,” she said, “someone who truly wants to help make a difference around the school and is committed to their work. They possess a good attitude and good character.” 

Dedication, intelligence and initiative are the driving factors for student’s voices to be heard. Beyond being a representative to the school, being a part of student government also offers post-graduate benefits.

Spires added that beyond making the university the best experience for all students, having held a position in SGA is “a great thing to put on your resume when you apply for jobs.” 

But what can running for SGA do for you personally? Brandon Eberl says that SGA has given him a lot of great experiences, but mainly the invaluable experience in building leaderships skills, a skill he is well acquainted with as acting President.

Spires said being in SGA has given him the opportunity to serve others and help people.

Qourters mentioned the connection between faculty, staff and students that SGA has offered her. 

Mason Spires said, “It’s all about the people we serve.” 

For those who are looking for a purpose for themselves, a reason, the skills to be a leader or to make a change, running for SGA may be the path to success according to the current voices of student government.

“It is a great opportunity to help give back to the students,” emboldened Eberl.

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