The first day: freshmen versus seniors

With a new semester having just started yesterday, a mixture of anxiousness and chaos, plus a dash of excitement can be felt in the air.

To truly understand how everyone feels we must start at the beginning, with the brand new freshmen. At first glance, I noticed one thing in common: the look of fear in their eyes. This is a completely new environment for some of them and probably the furthest many have been from home. Yet some are excited for the new adventure. Just ask Charity Bing, a first-semester freshman.

She says, “I’m ready for this!” I think everyone could relate to those feelings at one point. We were all in her shoes at one point.

Now we get to our seniors, many of whom are getting ready to walk across the stage and accept their diplomas.

In one of my morning comm classes, a senior stated, “I’m just ready to leave this place.”

Many grumbled in agreement. This is understandable because being in college is like being on a road trip. When you notice yourself driving into the destination, you start getting anxious because the end is near and you’re ready to embrace new adventures. In an odd way, the freshmen and seniors are the same people. It’s just that life is opening different doors for each class.

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