Reporter Alex Molina interviewed and recorded instrumental and vocal performance major Barrett Goff for a student feature!
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Reporter Alex Molina interviewed and recorded instrumental and vocal performance major Barrett Goff for a student feature!
Editor David Frantz previews Etherredge Center shows.
Editor and photographer David Frantz photographed USC Aiken third-annual drag performance.
USC Aiken’s 3 annual drag show was announced via the infamous horse statue, Spirit, on Scholar Lane.
Editor and photographer David Frantz captured images from the Intramural tournament on campus.
David Frantz captured some photos from the musical performance taking place in parking lot D.
Lambda Chi Alpha collects can with a potential watermelon explosion.
“Of the half a dozen horse sculptures found around campus, Spirit has to be my favorite, offering ever changing looks, with participation by many diverse groups, giving a lifeless piece of fiberglass a purpose to display cleverly and artistically what students have on their minds or what’s coming up.”
The university put a new group into effect, designed solely to examine incidents of bias in the community.
Broken Ink held a release party for their recent release of their 52 edition while also announcing submissions to be open for the next issue.
David Frantz covers the University Theater Players’ recent meeting to discuss plans for upcoming shows and next semester.