USC Aiken's Black Alumni Council

USC Aiken's Black Alumni Council

The Black Alumni Council (BAC) is an affinity group under the Alumni Association. The BAC aims to provide engagement opportunities between students and alumni, networking opportunities between students and alumni and scholarships to current students. 

The BAC has members who, even after graduation, have active roles on campus. Dr. Jamel Hodges graduated in 2011 and acts as council chair and director of Diversity Initiatives. Carmen Williams, president of the USC Aiken Alumni Association, is the executive assistant to the Chancellor. 

The role of the BAC is to create more engagement opportunities for Black alumni. Alumni recognized that there weren’t a lot of opportunities or events being planned.

There are upcoming events that encourage alumni to come back to campus. On Feb. 17, the first alumni Pacer Prom will be held in the SAC MEZZ. Continuing homecoming weekend Feb. 18, is the second annual homecoming tailgate. 

 “It was a hit with the students, it was a hit with the alum, it was a hit with the campus…it brought a lot of people back for homecoming” -Dr. Hodges on the outcome of the first tailgate held 

The BAC is known for its community service and philanthropic opportunities.

One of the upcoming activities is the CSRA Heart Walk. In this walk, they have a goal of $1,000 to add to the overall goal of the university. Along with this, there will be a symposium to educate students on diversity in the workplace and a resume-building workshop. The symposium will be held Apr. 11.

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