How to Make Butterbeer

How to Make Butterbeer

In the fantastical world of J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series, Harry and his friends enjoy a beverage known as butterbeer. I make my own butterbeer using butterscotch, butter flavoring and actual butter. This rich combination is sweet and flavorful, forming a concoction that tastes like liquified candy. This fall and winter, skip the trip to Hogsmeade and stay warm with a steaming mug of homemade butterbeer.

Ingredients (Makes one serving)

·       1½ tablespoons butterscotch chips

·       1 pat butter

·       1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

·       1/8 teaspoon butter flavoring

·       1 dash cinnamon

·       1 cup milk

  1. Melt butterscotch chips, a pat of butter and a few ounces of milk together in a saucepan

  2. Add remaining ingredients to pot and heat slowly, preventing the milk from heating past 165℉ if using thermometer

  3. While heating, whisk vigorously to combine ingredients and prevent scalding

  4. Serve butterbeer hot with optional whipped cream topping and cinnamon garnish.


If you do not have a kitchen thermometer, simply ensure that milk heats to the point of steaming, but not too far past this point.

Fans of salty/sweet flavor combinations can add a pinch of salt to the recipe.

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