B-ball in the SAC

B-ball in the SAC

Did you know that there are almost daily games of basketball going on in the Student Activities Center (SAC)?

Almost every day students will come together in the SAC to play a couple of games before or after classes. These “pick-up” basketball games have become very popular. So popular that students who don't play end up coming to watch these games.

Students will grab their food from the SAC or the Station and settle down in the bleachers to watch an intense and fun game of Basketball. Anyone is welcome to play but the only thing to remember before playing is to leave your school ID in the Student Life Office when playing after 5:00. Sometimes students will get to see our Men's Basketball Team put on an extraordinary game.

Often faculty will join games or even just try to get a shot and it is quite amusing seeing how many tries it takes for them. The SAC court is an amazing place where all students can come together and simply relax or get involved with basketball.

September on Campus

September on Campus

Upcoming Album Release- Midnights by Taylor Swift

Upcoming Album Release- Midnights by Taylor Swift