How to Live More Eco-Friendly

How to Live More Eco-Friendly

Being conscious of one’s carbon footprint is extremely important due to global warming, excessive waste in landfills and wild animals. Although big companies do contribute the most to environmental destruction, it is still important for individuals to at least be aware of their impact on the environment. Making a few changes in one’s lifestyle can be impactful, so here are some small things you can do to make a difference:

  • Use a reusable water bottle: This is an incredibly easy step to take. Instead of using tons of plastic water bottles throughout the week, purchase a reusable water bottle. These are better anyways because they can typically hold more water and also keep water cold much longer than a plastic bottle. These are available for $5-$20 at stores like TJ Maxx, Walmart, Target, Academy Sports and Amazon. 

  • Stop shopping so often at fast fashion stores: Stores like Shein are cheap, which is great for broke college students. But their clothing quality is also cheap and will likely tear or get holes quickly. Instead try to purchase things second hand occasionally by thrift shopping. Sustainable clothing websites are usually really expensive, so another easy change is to look for quality clothes. Even if the brands are fast fashion, quality clothes will last much longer which will lead to purchasing less. Levi’s and American Eagle are both brands that have high quality jeans that will last a very long time. Also donate any clothes you do not wear anymore instead of just throwing them out. 

  • Reduce meat consumption: You do not have to go vegetarian and completely change your lifestyle, but opting for a meatless option occasionally is a great way to lessen your carbon footprint. 

  • Recycle when you can: USC Aiken has multiple recycling bins around campus, so recycle papers and water bottles instead of throwing them away while on campus. 

  • Say no to litter: Do not litter and if you see your peers littering tell them to stop. Littering leads to trash being spread everywhere that it does not belong, which eventually leads to animals getting into said trash. Animals eat random trash and cannot digest it, which leads to them slowly starving to death. This is common with Sea Turtles that mistake plastic bags in the ocean for jellyfish. 

  • Use reusable bags: This is an extremely easy way to use less plastic bags, which leads to less waste!

Fall Intramural Sports 2022

Fall Intramural Sports 2022

Staff Spotlight: Isaiah Gillian

Staff Spotlight: Isaiah Gillian