Dealing with roommates

Dealing with roommates

Moving away from your home or your family and friends in a pandemic can be a huge adjustment, especially if you have never had to share a room with someone.

As the semester goes on, you may have conflicts with your roommate or suitemates. Here are some tips to keep the peace.

Set boundaries. Ask your roommates what they are okay with, if they have certain sleeping hours, what’s their class schedule, etc. Make it clear you respect them and do the same for yourself. Doing this first will set up the rest of your time living together.

Communicate. Though you may think you know the person you’re rooming with pretty well, people are not mind readers. If something is bothering you about your space be honest about it. It’s better to squash it than to let it build up in a big fight.

Pick up after yourself. Your space doesn’t have to be spotless but no one wants to come back to their room and a tornado has run through there. Be mindful of who you live with.

Don’t touch other people’s stuff. If you need to borrow something (even as small as a pencil) always ask!

I hope these tips help! Happy dorming!

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