How to stay sane during finals and a pandemic

How to stay sane during finals and a pandemic

It’s finals week. Time to see if the long hours studying and hard work have paid off. Students are stressed, anxious, exhausted and possibly going out of their minds. To make matters worse, they are still stuck in quarantine. What are students supposed to do to stay sane this week? 

  1. Get good sleep. Being tired won’t help with stress, so get quality sleep. It’ll improve the quality of work as well. 

  2. Eat a good breakfast. Go ahead and eat some breakfast, it’ll help wake your body up and you won’t be hungry while working on your exams or studying.

  3. Take your time. Don’t rush through your exams. If you don’t know the answer right away, go find a question that you can answer then go back to the previous question. 

  4. Relax between exams. Most professors have spread their finals out over a span of 2-3 days. Do an exam or two a day at your own pace. 

  5. Try and stay comfortable while taking your exam. Don’t let outside interruptions cause you to lose focus

  6. Go for a walk. You don’t have to go far or go for hours, but taking a break away from your house could help you relax. 

  7. Watch a movie. Pick a movie that you love and watch it. You can even facetime your friends and watch it together.

  8. Online shop. You can still shop and buy stuff if that’s what helps you destress.

  9. Try cooking a new food from a different culture.  

  10. Learn to dance. If you really enjoy dancing, learn a new one!

  11. Read your favorite book. Put your electronics down and take some time away from the internet and read.

  12. Garden. Water your plants, pull some weeds and do something constructive around the house.

  13. Re-organize your room. Try moving things around, maybe paint your walls a new color. 

  14. Draw a picture. Be creative and draw something.

  15. Take a spa day. Try and relax in a bubble bath with some candles around you. Do a hair and face mask.

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