The Signs on a Cold Winter Night

The Signs on a Cold Winter Night

Aquarius - Work first, but make sure to play later. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play…

Pisces - Go with your gut feeling. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, just do the thing.

Aries - Anxiety won't help your problems. Take a minute to reflect on whether your anxieties are founded or just white noise in your brain.

Taurus - To be idle is to be foolish. Never stop moving or everything will catch up with you. 

Gemini - Get ready for a life-changing event! Hold on tight because your life is going to be banking hard in the near future. Here’s hoping it’s for the better.

Cancer - Lead by example, not by words alone. Walk the walk and you may not need to say much at all.

Leo - Fame and fortune lie ahead. Maybe not immediately ahead, but it’ll happen for you. 

Virgo - Be thankful, even if your life is not perfect. Celebrate the little things.

Libra - Keep doing what you’re doing, everything will work out for the best.

Scorpio - Learn from your mistakes. Try not to make them again. Growth comes from making mistakes, but only if you learn from them.

Sagittarius - Take care of yourself first. Then help others. You can’t save anyone else if you’re drowning.

Capricorn - Even if everything hasn’t been going your way, be at peace with yourself. You are good enough.

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