Broken Ink awards students for their artistic eye

Broken Ink awards students for their artistic eye

Last semester Broken Ink published there 51st Literary & Visual Arts Magazine. On Thursday, August 29 they showcased artwork for the students, by the students.

The USC Aiken Art Department sponsors the Ink Splat Award, which honors student photography and paintings. This year’s winners are as follows:

1st place: DK Turner for “Bent Realities”

2nd place: Samantha Vigoya for “Samantha Vigoya”

3rd place: Mel Dekelsa for “Hair in the Wind”

Washington Group International celebrates students who have impeccable skills, while writing prose. This year’s winners are as follows:

1st Place: Allie Pizzemento for “Weightless”

2nd Place: Brent Fessler for “Burden”

3rd Place: Allie Pizzemento for “Church Grim”

In addition to awarding students for their skills in writing prose, the Washington Group International acknowledges students who have superior skills in writing poetry. This year’s winners are as follows:

1st Place: Samantha Palker for “Sundays in My Own House”

2nd Place: Houston Louis Keenan for “Sunday Morning”

3rd Place: Tequila Hightower for “The Madwoman”

Finally, the Roll Over Beethoven Award is sponsored by an unknown donor in acclaim to Joseph T. and Mary H. Usher Music Program Endowment. This year’s winner, selected by Professor Steve Sloan, is:

1st Place: Joshua McLane for “In the Eye of Man”

Newly elected Editor-in-Chief Isabel Martinez expressed her excitement about the upcoming 52nd Edition of Broken Ink.

“I think Broken Ink has a bright future for growing,” she said. “We’d love to have more people be a part of it”

She also explained that although the selection process can be difficult, with only 30 or 40 pieces being accepted, they “love for anybody and everybody to submit.”

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