USC Aiken alum directs dark comedy

USC Aiken alum directs dark comedy

Comedy will take a dark turn with the University Theater Players’ upcoming production of “Goodbye Charles.”

The show will be performed on April 16 through April 20 in the O’Connell Theatre, located in the Etherredge Center. General admission will be $15, while student tickets are discounted to $8. The event will also be eligible for ICE credit.

The play is directed by USCA alum, Ginny Ives, who describes the dark comedy as “one act that explores Jill, the main character, whose husband goes missing after she refused to sign off on divorce papers.”

Worried that something unfortunate occurred, Jill goes on a quest to put pieces of the puzzle together through other people’s failed relationships.

The “I ate the divorce papers” play toys with the line between comedy and dramatic insight. It’s a one-act that stays completely focused on the characters relationships while also dealing with universal themes such as dating, marriage and death.

“People should come see the show because it’s entertaining,” said Deon Turner, a senior who auditioned for supporting characters Charles and David. “It makes you laugh, and you learn something about relationships.”

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