Advertising with Pacer Times

Advertising with Pacer Times

In July, Pacer Times went digital and declared its independence from the feudal style of printing newspaper.

Since our website’s debut, our staff has diligently worked to cover students, events and organizations at USC Aiken.

As a student-run organization, this change has transfigured the way our audience interacts with us.

Today, our staff publishes content more frequently and in a variety of modern ways we previously couldn’t do.

As a result, our audience and digital footprint continue to grow every week.

This proliferation in publicity and content presents a unique opportunity for businesses, organizations and public institutions in Aiken and abroad.

These establishments now have the chance to advertise to the sought-after market at USC Aiken.

This opportunity allows interested entities to present services or merchandise to our audience which includes but is not limited to students, faculty and alumni.

Pacer Times has no limitations on who may advertise with us and those who invest will have an intimate say into how their advertising campaign is presented.

As we march forward on this new digital journey, Pacer Times looks forward to developing healthy and reciprocal business relationships with the Aiken community and abroad.

For information on advertising opportunities, please contact Business Manager Chandler Strama at

USCA hosts biggest career fair yet

USCA hosts biggest career fair yet

PacerTimesTV: Is the border a national emergency?

PacerTimesTV: Is the border a national emergency?