USCA hosts biggest career fair yet

USCA hosts biggest career fair yet

Finding a job can be one of the hardest things to do after college due to the competitive and fast paced nature of the workforce.

Career services tackled this issue by hosting the biggest career fair in history on Feb 20.

Hours before the event, career services director Corey Feraldi feared no one would show up because of how cold and rainy the day was. He expressed that surprisingly, “there is a great flow in there, we have a decent amount of students, we have the most employers we have ever had. So from an employer and organizational side, this is a great turnout.”

He also spoke about improvements for next year’s career fair, stating that the main difference in this year’s fair was it’s promotions being a month in advance.

“That seems to have been preferential for many employers and so I think this is something we will continue to do.”

Students were given the opportunity to present their skills to future employers. Most notably, in attendance were the US Army, ASCO/Emerson, Brenau University, and North Greenville University amongst many others.

Representatives from the Army are interested in “qualified personnel that are willing to enlist.”

A North Greenville University representative said that “One of the things that sets us apart is that we’re flexible. We have flexible degree offerings and the fact that you can take classes online completely, so you don’t have to move.”

The challenge to get students to come to events that don’t offer free food is ever present. However Jacob Feaster, Junior, Business Major, revealed that he really enjoyed the career fair and expected “possible internship opportunities, maybe even part-time opportunities and kind of get my name out there.”

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