Political science club returns to campus

Political science club returns to campus

The Political Science Club affords students the opportunity to discuss and gain better understanding of various political topics and events.

Meetings are not solely for political science majors or students interested in law or political careers. Anyone willing to discuss political facts and opinions, and learning about diverse viewpoints regardless of the party association, can be a member of the club.

In the last meeting, students discussed their opinions and possible solutions to the effects of the government shutdown. They were able to discuss their opinions and ask questions without judgement. 

Dasha, a junior studying Fine Arts, joined because it was a chance to become “more knowledgeable about politics.”

The adviser of the club, Dr. Sarah Young, and current members said they are looking forward to seeing more people in their next meeting.

The club meets Thursdays at 3:15 p.m. in H&SS 202 and all interested students are encouraged to attend. 

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