Column: ICE events not so cool

Column: ICE events not so cool

To graduate, all students have to have 16 ICE credits. These events, whatever the content, require students to scan in, stay the entire event and scan back out. However, this semester, students seem to be having several issues receiving the credit for the event they already attended.

On October 25th Kellie Wooten made a post on the USCA Student Life page about starting a petition to “ ... fix the system for ICE events.”

She explained that “I just had the worst encounter with the staff in charge of (ICE events). They were extremely unhelpful.”

Wooten is not the only student who is having issues; many have expressed their thoughts on the matter and the problems they’re facing. Several comments on that post are saying that students are scanning both in and out but not receiving credit on their Degree Works.

In a more recent post, Anastasia Oliver tried to send an email concerning her credits. She got a reply that said “they have not received the attendance sheet yet, so [they] can not put it into the system.”

She and other students expressed the idea of taking pictures with a timestamp on them from the event to get their credits.

“Starting immediately, you will no longer need to scan both in and out of ICE at the Ruth Patrick Science Education Center,” wrote Lintner in a recent email correspondence to the student body. “Simply ask for, complete, and submit an ICE Events Attendance Card provided to you when you leave.”

Though I’m not sure what is being done to other ICE events held in other buildings, hopefully, there will be enough attention brought to this issue to bring change.

This column is written with the opinions of one editor and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Pacer Times.

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