Weekly Briefing: Fall break is coming

Weekly Briefing: Fall break is coming

Fall Break is just 48 hours away. Breathe in and breathe out, Pacers.

This week our issue is absolutely full, so I’ll only be covering a few articles in this briefing. Be sure to check out the complete issue when you’re done here!

News Editor Noelle Kriegel interviewed members of the Diversity Initiatives and learned about their plans for LGBTQ+ History month. Jenesis Garcia, an active member of both the Diversity Initiatives and UNITY, said that she believes USC Aiken is a fairly safe campus for the LGBTQ+ community, though she mentioned the continuing importance of holding these events.

The men’s and women’s soccer teams crushed the competition this week. The men’s soccer team finally broke their semester-long streak of losses by taking down Young Harris. Incidentally, this is also the first time in USCA history that Young Harris has been beaten by them. The women’s soccer team also reached their first win of the season, overcoming Albany State in their last game.

Sports Editor Michael Kuras has been at almost every game this season and has finally had enough of what he believes to be inaccurate refereeing. Look for a column from him next week about this.

After last week’s preview, A&E Editor Emma Watts attended SEED day and took photos, which can be found in a gallery in this issue.

Finally, our new Lifestyle Editor Brianna Richbourg teamed up with Editor Watts to create some funny horoscopes about midterms. What’s the second-biggest test of the year without a little college humor?

That’s it for this week, Pacers. Have a great fall break and we will be back with another issue next week.

Photo by staff photographer, Michelle Pate.

Column: Is soccer getting a fair scoring?

Column: Is soccer getting a fair scoring?

Diversity Initiatives fills LGBTQ+ month with events

Diversity Initiatives fills LGBTQ+ month with events