USCA offers resources for students dealing with sexual assault

USCA offers resources for students dealing with sexual assault

There is a stigma around seeking help or talking about being sexually assaulted, especially on a college campus.

Here at USCA, there are plenty of resources so that students do not need to be afraid to find someone to help them.

Counselor Cheryl Lindler said there are many reasons assault goes unreported, but she emphasized that being assaulted is a major trauma for the individual. Students go to the counselors often, to confide in them about their experiences with assault on or off campus.

The counselors and health center staff at USCA, are very willing to get students the help and guidance they need. The counseling center and the health center must keep this information confidential unless the student decides otherwise.

If the student does want to press charges the process is kept relatively quiet by authority. The health center staff and counselors do encourage the student to report an assault and get medical treatment, but they are not obligated to.

Campus counselor, Cindy Gelinas said that the hospital across the street has nurses who have been specially trained to deal with assault victims. These nurses limit the number of people who are involved and collect everything needed in case the student wants to press charges.

The campus nurse Joy Albrecht said,” I worked in the ER and sometimes you think that no one gets it but here on campus they do.”

SGA president Brandon Eberl said, “We have a lot of resources available for students. If you ever have an issue you can go to the faculty members in student life and they will send you to the counseling center to deal with the case.”

Students can report to the counselors at the B&E in room 126 or to any of the school staff members.

If a student is sexually assaulted they should first, get to a safe location. Once safe, they can contact the campus police or get medical care. Getting assistance and support should be the next step taken, students can call the Cumbee Center for the abused or go to the counseling center. Last, the student should get judicial support to protect them from the assailant.

For Help Contact:

Cumbee Center: (803) 649-0480

Counselling Center (803) 641-3609

Police Station (803) 648-4011

Health Center (803) 641-2840

Office of Judicial Affairs (803) 641-3411



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