Daya Talks: Dating (part 2)

Daya Talks: Dating (part 2)

Hey everyone! It’s your favorite girl with the best advice in the world! 

Anyway, I saw what everyone had to say about ‘talking’ and I was thoroughly surprised. I was glad to see all the feedback about the picture I showed you guys a couple of weeks ago. I said we would look at each relationship stage and have an open discussion. 

The first thing we discussed was the “talking” phase. According to the picture, talking is exchanging numbers, friendship level activities, maybe sex, but we are really just trying to see if there is a growing interest. 

As I mentioned before, I think talking is a made-up excuse for people to be uncommitted and also a waste of time. The reason why is that people say all the time we live in a hook-up culture. “Talking” just promotes the idea that we can do all these things like hang out, do the horizontal tango, text and communicate for weeks, months at a time and then say things like, “Oh well. We’re just talking.” Absolutely not! 

I had a friend who was talking to someone for almost a year. I would tell her, “Girl, y’all are basically dating,” and she would say, “No boo. We’re just talking.” And now, her and the guy don’t even communicate anymore. That was a whole year where he used up her time and energy, and then when more was required, he would just throw up the fact that they were just “talking” in her face. 

Anyway before I start ranting, the next level of relationships according to the picture from the first part of this series is dating. So share your thoughts with me on Pacer Times’ social media! What does dating mean to you?

To contact Daya for advice, send her an email at

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