Tehree Horns' Experience of Last Game and Season

Tehree Horns' Experience of Last Game and Season

Tehree Horn shared his experience from USCA Men’s Basketball Team's last game and their season. 

On Mar. 14, 2023, the Pacers played their last game in the NCAA Tournament against Lincoln Memorial in Augusta, GA losing 83-89. However, that didn’t stop Horn and his fellow teammates from pushing with everything they had until that final buzzer.  

“I think we did a good job at just fighting til the end,” said Horn. “We do a good job not giving up...a lot of teams in certain situations give up, but we fought.”  

Looking into the next season, Horn stated that consistency is what they need to improve on. Yes, they have the drive and teamwork skills, but with more practice and consistency, they will dominate the courts next season.  

Anyone who has attended a game this season has noticed how well these Pacers work together. Horn believes that it happened because they didn’t just form relationships as teammates. They became close off the court too.  

“We went on some team trips before the season started that I feel like brought us really close,” he stated. “We even had meetings throughout the season to make sure everyone was on the same page, and I feel like that makes it a lot easier for everybody to stick together more so than past years.”  

Horn also believes that the coaches and fans were another reason why the team was successful this season. He stated that the coaches set the tone for the team, which helped push them to be the best that they could be. The fans also made Horn feel like he was playing for something.  

“To see the community and students come out to support us makes it a lot more fun. I also think it makes us play better,” Horn said. 

The Pacer fans mean everything to him and the team. They appreciate all the love and support. When asked if there was anything he would like to say to his fans, he stated that even though they came up short for the last game, that this was the most fun he has ever had at Aiken playing for the team.  

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