Experimental Relief 2022 Review

Experimental Relief 2022 Review

This past weekend, UTP put on its annual Experimental Relief!

This Experimental showcased five performances from a variety of actors and actresses. The shows featured this year were as followed.

  • All the Fixins - Written and Directed by Chloe Towne

  • Change of Plans - Written by Leah Tucker and Directed by Kayla Hutto

  • Late to the Party - Written by Jaden Napier and Directed by Angelo C. Gooch

  • Light Up the Stage - Written by Eliyana Brown and Directed by Patrick Grant

  • Possession - Written by Cece Crook and Directed by Jaden Napier

The performances this year were astounding and no show lacked behind which transformed the experience for the audience.

All The Fixins featured short commercial ads that went before and after each show and it worked well with the split. It gave time for the actors to change costumes to look appropriate for each scene while still keeping the audience engaged. One memorable moment is when Actor Two, played by Bryn ‘B’ Williams gives birth to a dinner plate which made the audience roar with laughter.

Change of Plans is the second show to begin. The show featured a surprise engagement between two quarreling lovers, while still showing their love in a non-toxic way. The show featured two women which help to show the inclusivity of theater on-campus with LGBT+ moments being featured so casually. One memorable moment is the proposal scene which highlights the chemistry of actresses Gracie Willis and Brenda Corona.

Late to the Party is about a woman who is enjoying her night in her apartment when she gets interrupted by a psychotic man bent on killing her. This performance featured some memorable moments throughout that had the audience laughing as well as other moments that had them on the edge of their seat. One memorable moment is the fight scene between Peighton Leeks and Man, played by Eliyana Brown and James Walsh respectively, who showed extreme care for each other while making the moment believable.

Light Up the Stage features a hilarious duo willing to do whatever it takes to perform in Club Swamp. There was never a dull moment in this show, featuring hilarious lines, great sound choices and amazing acting from all involved. One memorable moment from this show is when the Club Owner, played by Khadajah Jenkins, is running around threatening Lightbulb and the Switch, played by Chloe Towne and Cade Melnyk respectively, while in heels which had some in the audience impressed as it is not an easy task. 

The final show is Possession, which worked well as the night's final show. There was incredible acting from the Human and Demon, played by Jaden Napier and Finn Hutto and overall great choices in terms of lights, sound and other technical aspects. This show had several memorable moments, but one takes the spot as the best. When the Demon takes the stuffed bear from the Human and begins to play around with it while talking about some darker content, the audience couldn’t help but laugh.

Overall, the show went amazingly well and featured great skill all around. People involved had a lot to share about their experience and their favorite memories of working in this year’s Experimental Relief.

“I really loved hanging with the cast and crew this production” - Christina Buck, Run Crew, Freshman

“My best memory of this production is becoming close with all the friends I’ve made, they’ve brought out the best of me and I’m thankful for them.” - Owen Freeland, Actor, Junior

“My favorite memory of this production is the first time I watched the commercial with the cast. Seeing the surprise on their face and seeing it come together, in the end, made it all worth it.” - Chloe Towne, Actor, Director, Playwright, Senior

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