How To: Prepare for Midterms

How To: Prepare for Midterms

Midterms are just around the corner, here are some tips and tricks to help you be successful.  

Dr. Mitch Combs, a communication professor, shared his top four ways to prepare for your midterms.  

He stated that the first thing students should do is to ask their professors what the expectations are. This allows them to know what format the midterm is in.  

The next tip that Dr. Combs recommended was to write down or speak the answers out loud while studying. He stated that adding some form of communication to studying can help with your ability to recall information.  

Staying organized with your studying is also recommended to students.  

“Write down and schedule time blocks to study ahead of time,” said Dr. Combs. “That way you are reminded and more likely to stay committed to the process.” 

His last tip for students is to make sure they are getting their moments of rest.  

“While it seems like the opposite thing you want to do, work breaks are crucial,” Dr. Combs said.   

The school also offers resources for students, such as the math lab, writing center, and free tutoring. The math lab and tutoring are in the back of the library, while the writing center is in the H&SS building.  

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