What Are You Afraid Of? - A Pacer Times Halloween

What Are You Afraid Of? - A Pacer Times Halloween

What is it that you’re afraid of? Maybe it’s spiders with their venomous fangs and bent legs. Maybe it’s the thought of death as it draws close. Maybe it’s even that sense of dread you have when you know something is wrong.

We’re all afraid of something.

Think of the times when you were alone, and you heard those strange noises, a pot or pan clanging around the house, a random clap when no one was around. Think of how it left you confused because of no earthly reason.

The unknown is what lies in our fears, our fear of not knowing what the end will be. Will the clown kill us? Will the spider bite us? What is the result of this action? The unknown fuels our fears as it shares our worries about what is to come. So just what is it that you’re afraid of?

Death is an experience that we all will go through eventually. How does it feel? What happens to us as we feel our life fade away from our bodies? Is it peaceful or stressful? Blood flushing through our insides coming to a halt. No more heart beating to pump the blood through us. Our inside connections break apart, and the smell of death begins to start.

Have you ever seen a dead body? I don’t mean the one of a funeral where they are stuffed full of chemicals and covered in makeup, but the freshly dead kind. Have you seen the stillness and thought of how comforting it can be where they are resting peacefully? The color drains slowly from their body as their blood stops flowing; it looks almost reassuring. We, as people, typically fear death, but why? Our daily lives bring stress and terror, and we have to fight to live another day.

The sweet embrace of death comes as freedom for some as they escape this world of anguish where storms tear apart all that we know, where the earth shatters and rips the land anew, and where people enact violence upon others. The darkness works as this comfort in our mortal life. How is it that we can enjoy our lives when all that comes in the end is that eternal slumber?

You may be afraid of a variety of things, but death should not be what you fear the most. You should fear the life around us as you grow closer to death. One day we become united with the earth once more, where we are lowered into the barren earth and covered. Let death be that release in our final moments as the stress leaves our minds. Welcome the end with open arms and allow that sweet black figure to take you to what comes next.

When it comes to fears, think of all that remains in the world, the creepy crawlies, the vengeful psychopaths, the worldly disasters and more. Do not be afraid of death, though it may cause worry, it is there to relieve us in that wide sea of death.


I hope you enjoyed the first story in this year’s Pacer Times Horror Story anthology. Be sure to prepare for future stories as they come out weekly leading up to Halloween.

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