Distancing from the home and people: Vacationing, COVID style

Distancing from the home and people: Vacationing, COVID style

Although many states are lifting COVID-19 restrictions, there are still safety precautions to follow. With Summer quickly approaching, here are some vacation ideas that are easier to navigate through a pandemic.


A safe, socially distanced option can be a camping trip with family or inner circle, like roommates. This would allow a group to keep to themselves, but would also let them get out of wherever they have been cooped up for the past year.

Road Trip

Individuals may also want to take a road trip, which would allow them to protect themselves and others, as they could rent an RV or use one they already own. By being able to stay in a vehicle like this, individuals will still be able to see new places without risking unnecessary contact with others. If you’re tight on money, an old-fashioned trip across the states in a car may be beckoning your names.

Beach Trip

Individuals may also want to consider a trip to a beach. Major vacation hotspots should be avoided, as they are likely to be crowded. Try to visit more secluded areas.


The traditional staycation may also be an option for some individuals. If someone is unable to travel, sometimes it is a good idea to stay home and relax. Take time off work and just relax.

If an individual expects to spend time in a public place, they should wear a mask and attempt to socially distance as best as possible. Adhere to CDC guidelines.

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