Pacer Pillowtalk: Pelvic floor therapy

Pacer Pillowtalk: Pelvic floor therapy

Physical therapy comes in many different forms and is dependent on the patients needs or physical goal. Pelvic therapy is a form of physical therapy designed for a patient’s specific ailment involving the pelvic area.

According to Harvard Medical Schools website, they define the therapy as to “ … help reduce symptoms caused by pelvic floor problems, such as urinary and fecal incontinence, painful intercourse, and sexual dysfunction.”

Harvard goes on to explain through “Relaxing contracted and shortened muscles can help alleviate pain in the pelvic floor, just as it would in other muscles in the body.”

With techniques like kegels, internal vaginal manipulation and massage, patients can alleviate pain and help strengthen their pelvic floor.

Though this may seem like a usual issue, pelvic pain can go undiagnosed and missed in an initial examination.

Dr. Elkadry from Harvard explains, "It's very poorly recognized. Doctors often don't understand it and don't look for it, … How effective pelvic physical therapy will always depend on the severity of the case,"

If you are experiencing pelvic floor pain, this therapy might be something to look into. Before trying any treatment speak to a medical professional first. Find out what works for you, and your body.

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