Column: How are we supposed to live like this?

Column: How are we supposed to live like this?

Content note: This is an opinion article and should be taken as such. The contents of this article are the opinions of the writer and are not the beliefs of the staff, student body or institution.

USC Aiken has had an interesting start to the semester and some students have bravely taken up residence in on-campus housing.

As a resident student in the Pacer Downs, I, and many others, believe that the dorms should be kept in better condition.

The Pacer Downs are the oldest residential buildings on campus, and it shows.

From the chipped ceilings, leaky pipes, cracked walls, squeaky floors, broken appliances and loose seals, what exactly are students paying for? Four walls and a cheap mattress?

When I moved into my room I was shocked at how dirty it was. My window isn’t sealed properly, nor is the front door to the suite. There is more than enough room for bugs, rodents, and god knows what else to slip between what feels like giant holes.

Not to mention the water damage, leaking pipes and faucets that can lead to mold and mildew, which can cause serious health problems for anyone living there for an extended amount of time, like a semester.

I am not saying that the rooms are uninhabitable, but I do believe that they should be better cleaned and taken better care of. Cleanliness and upkeep of living status for students are especially important in a time where there is a pandemic going around that will attack those weakened immune systems.

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