Valentine's Day special, part one: Once mates now...dates?

Valentine's Day special, part one: Once mates now...dates?

My boyfriend and I began dating just two months ago, but we were really great friends before we became romantically involved.

Since we have only been dating for a short time, this will be our first Valentine's Day together.

Both of us are full-time freshmen and have extremely busy schedules, so it is hard to plan out a date.

To us, a date is going out to get ice cream after a basketball game before he goes home.

This Valentine’s Day, I don’t know if we are going to be able to celebrate with a date or not, but I know that we will find a way to do something, even if it’s just saying “Happy Valentines Day. I love you.”

Valentine’s Day doesn’t need to be super expensive or extravagant. It is meant to be a day of love.

So yes, gifts and dinners are nice, but sometimes the best gifts are the simplest.

This is part one in a special Valentine’s Day series about different kinds of relationships. Look for part two on Wednesday, which will discuss a relationship between a couple who has been together long-term, though they never chose to get married.

Valentine's Day dates for students on a budget

Valentine's Day dates for students on a budget

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