Special coverage: SGA senate election

Special coverage: SGA senate election

The 2019-2020 SGA election will take place today and tomorrow, available to all current students with a USC Aiken email. The full platforms will be available within the election link.

Every year students vote for who they believe will best fit each SGA position, mirroring the system that is used in U.S. politics.

Here are the candidates running for senator positions and a segment of each of their platforms:


Lauren Effler

“If elected for this esteemed position I plan on reimagining the Historian position as the middle man between SGA and the University public.”

Akari Stolt

“As the historian, I will be capturing memories for students to reflect on in future years as well as working on a scrapbook for future students to see the progress made by the organization.”

Kendra Zavala

“My personal goals for being in student government are to further develop my leadership skills, strive for academic excellence, represent the study body, and build an everlasting connection with the community.”

Marketing Senator

Bethany Trotter

“I am very passionate about campus involvement and I believe that one way to keep students up to date about campus activities is through social media and advertising. “

Parliamentarian Senator

Sadeja Goodman

“I am a leader who walks and talk positivity into existence.”

Carson Williams

“Cultivating an environment of understanding and inclusion throughout the Student Government Association is one of my biggest goals.”

College of Sciences and Engineering Senator

Michelle Armstrong

“I want to join SGA because I have good qualities and leadership skills that could help me be an asset to the Student Government Association.”

Faith Clemons

“I hope to serve with diligence and understanding of the students’ needs to better insure their success as they matriculate through the remainder of their years at USCA.”

Catherine Garvin

“With my leadership skills, I hope to steer the college that I represent down the path of success and opportunity.”

Shekinah Hampton

“I want to make sure that science and engineering majors concerns are heard, understood, and ultimately dealt with.”

Gabrielle Johnson

“I am interested in obtaining the College of Sciences and Engineering Senator position to combine ideas with other Student Government leaders for the greater good of the University of South Carolina - Aiken student body.”

Cole Maddox:

“I am a firm believer that the progress and livelihood of a student’s college experience depends greatly upon being heard and feeling like more than a number on campus.”

Business Senator

Evan Prescott Jenkins

“Let’s push for new, innovative, and inventive ideas, together.”

Kenzee Florentville

“It’s about moving forward and creating change!”

Campus Relations

William Rodriguez

“Uniting students on campus and ensuring everyone feels like they have a space is my ultimate goal.”

Community Service Senator

Amethyst Morgan Marroquin

“I was luckily granted the opportunity to be the Community Service Senator for the Student Government Association for the 2018 - 2019 academic school year and I not only learned a lot as a leader, but have been able to coordinate a series of community service events that helped serviced the Aiken community.”

Commuter Senator

Victoria Riddle

“I have loved being a part of the Student Government Association for the past two years and I want to continue to serve the students at USC Aiken and leave a meaningful impact on them as they enjoy their journey here at USC Aiken”

Education Senator

Adeline Foland

“I am the perfect candidate for the Education Senator because I am looking to represent the whole student. Not just their grades or a select few, but every individual student at USC-Aiken has my full attention and I plan on doing amazing things with that mind set.”

Breanna Harris

“ ... my goal is to encourage and promote the Education program as well as help education students succeed.”

School of Nursing

Callaghan Walker

“I would be the best possible advocate for the school of nursing and plan to take the time out of my schedule to better the lives and opportunities for those around me. I plan to be proactive with complaints students have and have their needs met as quickly and sufficiently as possible.”

College of Humanities and Social Sciences Senator

Amanda Fisher

“If I was elected to this position I would work to be personable, outgoing, hardworking, and willing to voice my opinions.”

Ian Martin

“...as a Senator, I am genuinely pleased and interested in hearing your voices and suggestions, not only can I, but we all can contribute to making the College of Humanities and Social Sciences the absolute best college of academia on campus for current and future students.

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