Beyoutiful: Taking control of your body

Beyoutiful: Taking control of your body

“Beyoutiful” is an opportunity for young women to learn ways to love their bodies.

This project is brought to USCA by the Oregon Research Institute and overseen by Mila Padgett, the USC Aiken director of campus recreation.

This collaboration is connected with the Peer Body Project, through Healthy 4 Life educators, is located in the Wellness Center. Starting February 12, there will be classes on a variety of topics that teach you how to live a more fulfilling life.

According to the creators of the project, we live in a world where thinner body types are praised more often than not and body shaming anyone that does not fit that standard is common. This organization is dedicated to making sure women invest in loving themselves inside and out.

Madison Copley, a USCA student involved in the project, described this week’s hashtag as “a way to talk to women that have body image issues or concerns” and teach them self-love, regardless of body type.

Visit the project’s instagram page (@beyoutifulusca) for more information.

Editor’s Note: This article was previously attributed to A&E Editor Eric Sanders, which was an error on our part. It was written by Staff Writer, Chealsy Reaves. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

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