Column: What's in a phrase?

Column: What's in a phrase?

Around this time of year, there are a lot of celebratory things going on. Though, what people sadly fail to realize is that there are more holidays than Christmas in December. 

I have personally heard the argument “It should be Merry Christmas” but what happens to those people who don’t celebrate Christmas? Are Jewish people, who celebrate Hanukkah, just supposed to accept it and move on?  Or what about African Americans who celebrate Kwanzaa? Are they supposed to just nod and smile in passing? Even Boxing Day, celebrated by people in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, is still a holiday that important just like the rest of them.

Why do people get so upset when someone chooses a phrase other than “Merry Christmas” to spread holiday cheer? Even President Trump said “If I become president, we're going to be saying Merry Christmas at every store. You can leave [Happy Holidays] at the corner ... Other religions can do what they want.”

There seems to be some superiority complex about Christmas but in actuality, many people around the world celebrate different holidays. Whatever you believe in, whether that be sacred or secular, it costs $0 to be a polite person and just say happy holidays.

This column is written with the opinions of one editor and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Pacer Times.

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