Horror movie 101: how to guarantee your survival

Horror movie 101: how to guarantee your survival


Admit it: we have all screamed at a character’s dumb actions during a scary movie. The characters never seem to avoid the scary houses and painfully obvious, dangerous paths. So, here’s a quick list of Horror Movie No-No’s.


1.    Never go to cursed places

Crystal Lake, Amityville, Elm Street…all these places sound appealing until their dark histories are shared. And yet, everyone wants to go there. Why?

2.    The woods should be the last place on your travel list

Nothing good has ever come out of camping in the woods. EVER.

3.    Don’t touch Ouija Boards

Who thinks that spirit summoning is a good idea? What good has come from Ouija Boards?

4.    Check for signal

If any phone in the vicinity is dead, it’s a good chance anybody there will be too.

5.    Avoid small, unknown towns

Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That’s all.

6.    Never drop your weapon after battling the killer

Fighting the killer isn’t something everyone gets to do, so if the killer is on the ground, keep your weapon in your hand in case he pops back up.

7.    Never investigate the noise

Whatever is making the noise is none of your concern.

8.    RUN

Knees to chest!

9.    Always be nice to the school outcast

Carrie. Need anything else be said?

10.  If it’s not yours, don’t touch it

It’s self-explanatory. If it comes from a haunted place, it doesn’t need to be yours.


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